2 min read

STAlive video library for best motivational videos

Quick Start

Preview Link : Stalive

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/MiheerTamkhane/STAlive-video.git

Go to the project directory

  cd STAlive-video

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm run start

Features Available.

  • Home Page with all videos and Filters by category and search
  • Video Listing Page
  • Like Feature
  • History
  • Watch Later Functionality
  • Playlist
    • Add to Playlist
    • Create Playlist
    • Delete Playlist
  • Authentication
    • Login
    • Sigup
    • Guest Login
  • Fully Resposive
  • Sort By
    • Category
    • New/Oldest/Most viewd
    • Topics
    • Duration

Tech Stack

Client: React, React Context API + useReducer , React Router v6 , Crystal UI for CSS

Server: Mockbee.