2 min read

OtakuSurf | Social Media 📱

OtakuSurf is a social media app for Anime lovers, here you can share all your animes, moments or best shots. you can like others posts, comments and also saved the post. This app is built-in reactJs.




  • Responsive
  • User Authorization
    • Sign In
    • Sign Up
    • Sign Out
  • Protected/Private Routes
  • Feed Page
    • Create a Post
    • Like/Dislike Post
    • Bookmark/Unbookmark Post
    • Edit Post
    • Delete Post
  • Explore Page
    • All Posts
  • Bookmarks Page
    • Bookmarked Posts
    • Unbookmark Post
  • Profile Page
    • User Profile
    • User Posts
    • update Profile
    • Follow/Unfollow
  • Suggested Profiles
  • Filters
    • Sort by Date
    • Show Trending

Tech Stack

Client: ReactJs, React Router v6, Redux Toolkit, React Redux and Tailwind CSS

Server: Mockbee (Mock Backend)

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/MiheerTamkhane/social-media.git

Go to the project directory

  cd social-media

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm start

